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  1. 首頁
  2. Spot: Kyokujitsu "Kirara" / Fujii Honke Sake Brewery

Kyokujitsu "Kirara" / Fujii Honke Sake Brewery

Shiga Prefecture is surrounded by verdant mountains and is home to Lake Biwa, known as one of the ancient lakes of the world.
With its unique geographical location, Shiga’s local weather and water make for the ideal conditions for sake brewing and rice cultivation.

Kyokujitsu Kirara is one of the region’s locally produced sake using ancient traditional brewing methods. The sake was gifted to world leaders at the 2019 G20 Osaka Summit.

Price: 720 ml 3,300 yen excluding tax and shipping fees.

Fujii Honke Sake Brewery offers international shipping. For more details, please contact them by email using the following template.

≪Inquiry Template≫
   Your Name:
   E-mail address:
   Message to supplier:

諮詢處 info@fujiihonke.jp
網站 http://www.fujiihonke.jp

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