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  1. 首頁
  2. Spot: Funazushi cookies and Arare rice crackers / Shiseian

Funazushi cookies and Arare rice crackers / Shiseian

Have you ever heard of funazushi?
Funazush is a naturally fermented and pickled fish made with only rice and salt. It is one of the oldest forms of sushi. Shiseian offers this local delicacy of Shiga Prefecture using traditional methods and recipes dating back over 1000 years.

Take a leap of faith and try Shiseian’s delicious funazushi as the store offers casual and modern variations at an affordable price.

Price : 1080 yen ex. tax and shipping fee.

Shiseian offers international shipping. For more details, please contact them by email using the following template.

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   Your Name:
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諮詢處 kanta@shiseian.com
網站 http://www.shiseian.com/

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