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  1. 首頁
  2. Spot: Cherry Blossom Rice Bowl / Nunobikiyaki kamamoto

Cherry Blossom Rice Bowl / Nunobikiyaki kamamoto

Nunobikiyaki pottery is known as the modern version of Ryokusaitoki pottery which was originally created during the Heian Period (794 AD – 1185).
It was not until 1,000 years had passed that Ryokusaitoki was reborn as Nunobikiyaki, unique for its elegant colours.

Price : 2,200 yen ex. tax and shipping fee etc.

For Nunobikiyaki orders and inquiries, please contact them by email using the following template.

≪Inquiry Template≫
   Your Name:
   E-mail address:
   Message to supplier:

諮詢處 jimu@nunobikiyaki.jp
網站 https://www.nunobkiyaki.jp.shop/

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