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  3. International Art Festival BIWAKO BIENNALE 2020

Sep. 2020

International Art Festival BIWAKO BIENNALE 2020

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Established in 2001, “BIWAKO BIENNALE” is celebrating its 9th edition in 2020.
The exhibition will be presented at more than 18 venues, most of which are buildings from the Edo period (17 – 19th century), including Hikone Castle. Going from one venue from to another, visitors will be able to appreciate works of art while taking a scenic walk in the towns of Omihachiman amd Hikone.

The theme of the 9th BIWAKO BIENNALE is “Cosmic Dance”. About 70 artists and art units from Japan and all over the world will gather in the towns of Omihachiman and Hikone to highlight the beauty and transience of the fall, for a period of one and half months.
Animated by the works of contemporary artists, the long-abandoned buildings from the Edo period will enchant audiences all through the festival. In harmony with the exhibits these aged houses will regain their dignity, adding spice to the streets of Omihachiman and Hikone, which are still filled with the traditional atmosphere of the ancient period.

The art festival, BIWAKO BIENNALE, is conducted by General Director Yoko Nakata with more than 60 artists and art units from home and abroad in Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Artworks are exhibited in abandoned traditional Japanese houses, which are repaired and cleaned in collaboration with residents of Hikone City and Omihachiman City, and opened to public

Contemporary artworks of more than artists from home and abroad are exhibited at the same time.
Visitors can enjoy a pleasant stroll while moving from venue to venue in the old towns of Hikone City and Omihachiman City.
Night tours will be conducted several times during the festival period. Artworks take on a different look at night.
Various workshops and events for kids are conducted by artists during the summer vacation period.
Various performances such as singing, piano and contemporary dance will also be offered during the festival period.

Title : International Festival BIWAKO BIENNALE 2020
Theme : Cosmic Dance
Dates : Oct.10th, 2020 – Nov. 23rd, 2020 / 10:00 – 17:00 / closed on Wednesdays
Venues : Hikone city and Omihachiman City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan
Organized by International Festival BIWAKO BIENNALE Committee
